Tuesday, June 12, 2012

{Family Feature} Camping Moyers Style equals ALOT of people!!

Well the Moyers survived yet another camping trip to Clearwater. Twelve people, five dogs, two tents, four vehicles and a camper spent three days lake side.  The rents left early Friday to get everything set up, while all the kids slaved at work until the whistle blew and we were on the road.  FREEDOM was ours for 3 long days {I wish they were even longer}.  I picked up my nephew on the way home so he could ride with me and Zeke to the lake.  He was very much appreciative to avoid the hour long car ride with my two nieces {screaming little pre-teen girls}.  We stopped at Dog N Suds in Cherokee Pass for dinner.  Who cares they were shut down for a while for un-sanitary practice in the food world, those greasy burgers are amazing.  I mean after all, they were allowed to re-open, so that means they cleaned up their act and scrub daily now....right?!?!  One can hope anyway.
We arrived at the camp ground and began to unload what seemed to be everything from home but the kitchen sink. Who packed all that crap....oh ME!! {Note to self: Start packing lighter!!} After we got settled, we hung out around the camper and told stories about our day and talked about how much we were thankful for the time together at the lake. 
Remember in my "Camping Four Season Style" post, I mentioned we have 12 people and a camper that sleeps eight...?  Well I forgot to mention the five dogs that would be joining us too!!  Max, Murray, Wesley, Abby, and our Tytus became camping buddies for the first time this year.  Now the other fur babies have been on a few camping trips, but Tytus had to learn the ropes.  Lets just say he is allowed to return to the camping scene but I will make sure I have enough room for his kennel. {Yet another reason to pack lighter, I ran out of room for his kennel.}  My nephew being the teen scout he is, slept in a tent, along with my Brother-in-Law and soon to be Sister-in-Law {September}.  I would like to take this opportunity to say... THANK YOU!!!! Now you might think we had a lush time sleeping in the camper, but I will have to inform that you are WRONG!! {Way Wrong}  The rents along with 3 of the fur babies took up the large bed in the front {I can't wait to be the queen of my own camper and have this spot}, my sister-in-law and her boyfriend along with 1 fur baby took up the table bed, and this family of 4 {including our fur baby} took the couch bed.  I'm pretty sure the length of the bed is about 5 foot because I don't think I was ever on the bed 100%.  Zeke slept like a rock {as always}, and Jake slept some.  We went to bed in the wee hours of Saturday, but I was up by 6am {Not that I wanted to be}!! 
COFFEE was calling my name, so my BIL and I went down to the lake side cafe and purchased coffee for all the campers. {Minus the kids of course, they got chocolate milk and juice}  The coffee wasn't as good as my Kuerig, but it was good camping coffee!! {We went back for another cup!}  One coffee cup down and I was ready to get breakfast started for the family.  I made bacon, sausage, biscuits and gravy, and eggs.  I'm pretty sure the Moyers family loves me for my homemade gravy, even the add on boyfriend!! I have to admit, my gravy is pretty awesome!! {and easy}
Breakfast was over and play time began, we rode bikes, walked around the camp site, and just hung out around the camper until the word "swim" was spoken.  That was it, the kids wanted to go swimming and that was the only thing we heard for 2 hours!!!! We held off as long as we could, changed to our swim gear, had lunch and away we went.  The water was nice and the sun was hot! We splashed around for a couple hours and then I took Zeke back to camp for a nice cool nap.  I began preparing dinner for the crew {really wanted to nap too!!}.  The evening was filled with dinner, bike riding, lounging, fish fry, and memory making, then ended with another sleepless night of sleep. {camping couch bed was not built for two full size adults and an almost 3 year old....just saying!!}
We woke up Sunday a bit later that Saturday and had breakfast, the crew went swimming again and our family hung out at camp and began to pack up. The little mini vacation was over. We had a great time and looking forward to the next Moyers camping trip.


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