Tuesday, June 12, 2012

{Family Feature} Another Country Days in the Books!!

Despite my two large cake orders, we made time to visit historic downtown Farmington and enjoy Country Days.  I have so many memories as a child going to the parade and running around the town with all my family and friends. {Seems so much smaller now, I think I grew. :)}  We joined the Carrs and watched the parade Saturday morning {And a car tow...oops!}, then headed to the food stands {nothing beats carnie food}.  I was starving due to a late start and no breakfast, not to mention I was ready for my lemon shake up!! {my favorite!!!!!} We walked through the craft vendors and found some neat items for my aunt and grandma.  We even found a wizard wand for the Mrs. Fox.{Harry Potter FREAK!!}  It was about nap time, so we headed home and planned on joining the Carrs that evening for the Country Day Carnie Rides!!  {Time Passes..and passes....and passes} We didn't want to get!! I finally got up and talked the hubby into taking us back.  We loaded up and headed back down town to let Zeke ride all the wonderful put together in one day rides. {gritting teeth}  The Carrs were unable to join us, but there was always tomorrow.
Tomorrow came and the hubby had to work. {BOO} I finished up on my last cake order and then we headed back to finish the tickets we had.  The Carrs joined us and we had a great time.  Edwin and Zeke rode 6 rides together with all smiles.  I was so proud of my little man for riding his first roller coaster and no fear. {he actually rode it twice in a roll, Six Flags trip in the future I think}
So that was Country Days 2012 and about $200 later! {OUCH}


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